About us

Our experience tackling systemic problems has taught us two important truths: there are no silver bullet solutions and no one organization can shift a system alone. That’s why we bring other partners along, to build real, collective impact.

What makes us unique

On paper, we’re a non-profit fishery transformation organization with a mission to end overfishing.

In practice, we’re more than that.

We’re an eclectic bunch that includes design thinkers, entrepreneurs, business consultants and scientists.

While we have decades of experience in seafood and fisheries development, our expertise doesn’t stop there. We also have backgrounds in structured finance, technology, carbon trading, renewables, forest conservation and asset development.

As a team, we’re fascinated by complex problems, and our approach to tackling them is informed by our diversity.

Throughout all we do, we are led by—and live out—our values, every day.

Meet our team
Cheryl Dahle
Founder and Advisor
Jenni Ahern
Program Director,
Future of Fish Peru
Jhordan Avalos
Communications & Marketing Coordinator,
Future of Fish Peru
Karen Ayala Pazo
Program Coodinator,
Future of Fish Peru
Claudio Barrientos
Research Associate,
Future of Fish Chile
Peter Battisti
Executive Director
Julie Budkowski
Director of Global Operations
James Bui
Future of Fish Global
Alejandra Cárdenas Huerto
Community Engagement Manager,
Future of Fish Peru
Iván Greco
Research & Implementation Lead,
Future of Fish Chile
Sandy Hernandez Ramirez
Social Programs Coordinator,
Future of Fish Peru
Momo Kochen
Fisheries Specialist
Cindy Marchán
Operations Coordinator,
Future of Fish Peru
Luis Miguel Ormeño
Senior Financial Specialist
Ursula Ormeño
Seafood Programs Director,
Future of Fish Peru
Sussy Paz Arce
Gerente de Operaciones
Future of Fish Peru
Nadia Rinza Huaman
Quality & Commercialization Coordinator,
Future of Fish Peru
Stephanie Stinson
Communications & Research Manager
Diego Undurraga
Country Director,
Future of Fish Chile
Mauricio Zúñiga
Quality and Commercialization Manager,
Future of Fish Peru

How to work with us

We don’t do it alone.
We partner with fishers, seafood businesses, NGOs, investors, governments and technologists alike. Our partners bring cutting-edge ideas for transformation, rooted in deep expertise from across and beyond the seafood supply chain. Partners include:

ABALOBI  |  Agrupaciòn Social Jaiberos de San Antonio  | Asian Seafood Improvement Collective | Blue VenturesCARE Peru | Coastal Routes | Communidad y Biodiversidad (COBI) | Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions | COOPDUAO |  Feria y Mar |  Feriasonline  |  Fishwise | Fundacion ChileGobierno Regional Piura | INDESPA Minesterio de Economia Fomento y Turismo | National Fisherman’s Cooperative Society Ltd  |  OCEANA | Oikocredit Old Dart Foundation | One Earth Future | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission  | Pesca Sustentable | Pro Delphinus Resonance | SALT | Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura  |  The Nature Conservancy Belize | Sindicato de Pescadores de caleta San Pedro de Concón  | Water for PeopleWWF Peru

Interested in joining us? If you’d like to partner, we’d love to hear from you.