Government Fisheries Data Modernization Resources

Welcome to the Government Fisheries Data Modernization Toolkit.  Dive in to learn more about the dynamic world of fisheries data modernization—where fish, management, and tech collide to support sustainable seafood.

Here you will find Future of Fish’s Accelerating & Communicating Government Fisheries Data Modernization report in full.

Below, you will also find content broken down into more digestible, shorter reads that discuss specific findings from our past three years of research to understand how we can accelerate better data systems that benefit industry, the public, and fisheries governance around the world.

Full Report

Accelerating & Communicating Government Fisheries Data Modernization includes insights from case studies, interviews with global experts, and a high-level review of existing literature and online resources. Here you will find in-depth descriptions of core system barriers and opportunities for fisheries government agencies to advance communication and data management systems.

Executive Summary

Small in size, this executive summary doc is packed with key highlights from our 3 years of research. Have a look and if you are interested in learning more, check out the other resources in the toolkit!

Part 1: Communicating Government Data Modernization

Here are five key communication approaches and four strategic entry points to introduce government agencies to the data modernization concept and increase the likelihood they’ll want to hear more.

Part 2: The Government Fisheries Data Modernization Landscape

The landscape of data modernization in fisheries is complex. In this section, we break it down by looking at a overall framework for the process (how and what has to happen), the barriers (why it’s not happening faster in more places), and some design principles (strategies for success!) that can help to get things unstuck.

Part 3: Opportunities and Next Steps

With every challenge comes great opportunity, right? This document presents opportunity areas: broad strategies and initiatives that we believe are not only ripe for development but target the core system barriers. Advance these initiatives and we can begin to unlock greater potential change in the system.

Part 4: Case Studies

In order to identify the system-level trends discussed in Part 2, we looked at advancements in data collection, sharing, and analyses across a diversity of contexts, to help ensure that findings could be applicable regardless of geography or project type. The eight case studies shared here helped us to to surface drivers, enabling conditions, stuck points, and strategies for success that exist across the system as a whole.

Part 5: Resources

Resources fall into 1 of 8 categories: Awards, Events, Guides, Information Platform, Initiatives, Reports, Technologies, & Toolkits. A number of resources may cover more than one category—however, in this instance, they were only listed once in order to prevent user confusion and maintain a streamlined list. We highly recommend both the SALT and EM4Fish sites as more comprehensive and up-to date resource libraries.