Since the founding of Future of Fish over a decade ago, our work in the fisheries sector has afforded us many opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve as an organization. Our team at Future of Fish deeply values the power of iterative momentum to get us ever closer to solving the most complex problems facing our world today.
Creating change from the ground up takes time and requires building partnerships and establishing enabling conditions to set the foundation to initiate change. In many ways, 2022 was a year for Future of Fish to focus precisely on that —laying a strong foundation across our programming, partnerships, and country teams. As our non-profit affiliates in Peru and Chile have become increasingly established over the years, our US office continues to narrow its role, contributing our key expertise in finance and systems in addition to our advisory role.
Read more about our projects, accomplishments, milestones, and key takeaways from all three Future of Fish teams in our latest 2022 FoF Impact Report.
Future of Fish’s value proposition stands apart from many other organizations tackling the question of how to deliver sustainably harvested seafood to consumers. If you are interested in exploring how we might partner together in the New Year, please connect with us at info@futureoffish.org.
Future of Fish is an international NGO on a mission to build human-centered solutions that transform coastal economies for the sustainable use of ocean resources. We envision a world where coastal communities and the ecosystems that support them are healthy, where local blue economies are diverse and just, and where culture and traditions continue to be at the core of vibrant communities.
The 2022 Impact Report can be found on the Future of Fish resources section of our website.
Published Jan 30, 2023