Fishery Development Blueprint: Benthic

Fishery Development Blueprint: Benthic

Recommendations and strategies for unlocking new or additional value in managed access benthic fisheries connected with Peruvian domestic markets.

Peru National Level Fishery Traceability Recommendations

This document provides recommendations for driving traceability and data improvements in both industry and government sectors.

Fishery Development Model: A Systems Development Model for Data-Rich, Investable Fisheries

Fishery Development Model Fisheries are complex systems that sit at the intersection of the social, environmental and economic dynamics. To focus improvements on only one of these domains in isolation limits the effectiveness of any intervention strategy that seeks long-term sustainability, whereby stocks are well-managed, fishers have a dependable livelihood, and incentives are aligned to […]

Changing the Future of Wild Fish, Phase I

Commissioned by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation in 2008, this report was the first of three phases of research that culminated in the founding of Future of Fish.

Changing the Future of Wild Fish, Phase II

Future of Fish was born from a unique partnership between Ashoka, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and Central, a design strategy firm.

Future of Fish Goes to Boston

Contact Us to learn more about how we work with small and mid-sized companies to create thriving markets and healthier oceans.

Fish 101: Overfishing

Large commercial fishing vessels more closely resemble space ships than boats. Wall-to-wall electronics allow captains to “see” beneath the surface to find ever-scarcer fish.


Fish 101: Catch Shares

At one time almost all fishers fished as much as they could, as fast as they could, racing to catch as many fish as possible before the season ended or the total catch landed by all fishers reached its legal, predetermined cap.

Fish 101: Pirate Fishing

Piracy pays. Growing seafood demand, combined with fewer fish, poor traceability systems, and a vast ocean impossible to patrol adds up to big returns for illegal fishers.

Fish 101: Fisheries Management

How can you regulate something you can’t see? That seemingly impossible task is exactly the core mission of fisheries managers.

Fish 101: Eco-Labels

Buying seafood is easy. Sourcing seafood responsibly is not. Consumers and retailers alike must wade through growing lists of health and environmental considerations when purchasing responsible seafood.

Fish 101: Developing-World Fisheries

The challenges of developing-nation fisheries look very different from those of their commercially developed brethren.
