Viewing: Fishery Development Model

Trazabilidad y cadenas de valor en la pesquería artesanal de merluza austral, Región de Aysén

El presente documento es un recuento de los pasos seguidos para la realización de la etapa 2 del proyecto denominado  ̈Trazabilidad y Cadenas de Valor en la Pesquería Artesanal de Merluza Austral, Región de Aysén ̈, realizado durante 2023, mandatado por Oceana Chile y ejecutado por Future of Fish Chile junto a la profesional Gabriela Nuñez. En él se detallan los elementos que permitieron la construcción de tres pilotos de comercialización del recurso merluza austral (merluccius australis), gestados en gran parte localmente por dos…


A Guide for Advancing the “FIP+”

This guide provides FIP practitioners with design and strategy guidance to advance the success of FIPs across the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of a fisheries system. The content contributes to the growing body of work by FIP practitioners and researchers who are exploring new ways to build off the robust elements of the FIP model to better meet s more diverse fishery contexts and ensure FIPs responsibly account for social and economic outcomes in addition to environmental ones (CEA 2020, Peckham et al.,…


Advancing Finance for FIPs: Strategies to unlock public and private finance for Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs)

This report proposes a development framework and associated strategies for diversifying and increasing funding to support the success of FIPs, with a particular focus on small-scale fisheries (SSF) and fisheries in the developing world context. In particular, the framework: • Recognizes the key enabling conditions, drivers for impact, and requirements for investment, including both asset and enabling investments for a sustainable and profitable SSF; • Introduces the concept of a multi-level action strategy, which connects FIPs with other initiatives to build collective impact and…


Fishery Development Model: A Systems Development Model for Data-Rich, Investable Fisheries

Fishery Development Model Fisheries are complex systems that sit at the intersection of the social, environmental and economic dynamics. To focus improvements on only one of these domains in isolation limits the effectiveness of any intervention strategy that seeks long-term sustainability, whereby stocks are well-managed, fishers have a dependable livelihood, and incentives are aligned to promote transparency and collaboration. The Fishery Development Model (FDM) offers a framework to evaluate fisheries systems holistically, as well as a process through which organizations can deeply understand the…
