Future of Fish Chosen as a CharitySub Featured Nonprofit for September

CharitySub, a subscription-model fundraising organization, has selected Future of Fish as a featured nonprofit within the larger topic of sustainable seafood, the organization’s cause for September. CharitySub subscribers pledge $5 a month, and each month, they vote on which of the three hand-selected featured nonprofits gets the aggregated sum of their subscription money. Each month highlights a different social or environmental issue, and the organization’s intent is to act as a means for budding philanthropists to learn about important issues and meet organizations they might want to support, building a more informed donor pool with the potential to make a larger collective impact.
Click on the links below to watch two succinct and informative videos encapsulating the problem overfishing and the tactics Future of Fish is using to solve it.
CharitySub Sustainable Seafood Video
CharitySub Future of Fish Video

Published Sep 06, 2012
