
Q&A With Shannon McDiarmid

Jun 18, 2018
Shannon is a seafood sustainability and business expert with over 10 years of experience in tackling complex and meaningful challenges in global seafood supply chains. Shannon works with international stakeholders to create transparent, aligned, transformative supply chains to create new market opportunities and value chain improvements. Shannon’s strategic and systems lens is grounded in operational expertise.…

A Tale of Two (Self-Managed) Fishing Communities In Peru – versión en Español a abajo

May 22, 2018
Part I of our series “From Management to Markets” Only a few hours from Lima (depending on the traffic!) lies Ancon, a small fishing port turned tourist destination, where local fishers have broken with a long-standing open-access model to set fishing closures and other self-enforced regulations as a way to preserve their resource. Further south…

Insights into Advancing Seafood Traceability—A (Snowy) Update

May 17, 2018
When the howling blizzard dropped two feet of snow on Boston, the resultant large drifts blocking the sidewalks were a perfect metaphor for our Seafood Expo North America panel topic that day: the barriers to seafood traceability technology adoption…and the strategies that can overcome them. Our colleagues from the Seafood Traceability Collaboration, along with special guest, Roxanne Nanninga…

Fisher Tales: Telling the Story of Belize’s National Fisher’s Co-Op

May 08, 2018
Our last trip to Belize took our Global Implementation Manager, Kaitlyn Sephton, and a film crew from University of Washington's Communication Leadership Masters program on a fishing trip with members of the National Fisher's Co-Op in Belize City. This photobook follows them on their trip to make a mini documentary about the co-op we've been…

Chilean Fisheries Government Data Modernization Workshop- versión en Español a abajo

May 05, 2018
Imagine a world where fisheries managers have at their fingertips access to robust, reliable catch data from the industry and scientific assessments, which they can use to analyze status of the stock, target enforcement efforts, and support seafood businesses through streamlined permitting and reporting processes. In this world, the seafood industry seamlessly and securely shares…