Viewing: Field Programs

Trazabilidad y cadenas de valor en la pesquería artesanal de merluza austral, Región de Aysén

El presente documento es un recuento de los pasos seguidos para la realización de la etapa 2 del proyecto denominado  ̈Trazabilidad y Cadenas de Valor en la Pesquería Artesanal de Merluza Austral, Región de Aysén ̈, realizado durante 2023, mandatado por Oceana Chile y ejecutado por Future of Fish Chile junto a la profesional Gabriela Nuñez. En él se detallan los elementos que permitieron la construcción de tres pilotos de comercialización del recurso merluza austral (merluccius australis), gestados en gran parte localmente por dos…


Future of Fish 2022 Impact Report

Creating change from the ground up takes time and requires building partnerships and establishing enabling conditions to set the foundation to initiate change. In many ways, 2022 was a year for Future of Fish to focus precisely on that —laying a strong foundation across our programming, partnerships, and country teams. As our non-profit affiliates in Peru and Chile have become increasingly established over the years, our US office continues to narrow its role, contributing our key expertise in finance and systems in addition to…


Future of Fish Chile 2021 Impact Report/ Memoria 2021

FUNDACIÓN FUTURE OF FISH Fundación Future of Fish es una organización sin fines de lucro comprometido con la transformación de los sistemas, dedicada a prestar servicios de investigación, diseño y desarrollo de estrategias a ONG, fundaciones, inversionistas, empresas, y gobiernos que trabajan para construir un mundo en el que las pesquerías y las personas puedan prosperar en conjunto. Nuestra misión es catalizar la innovación, la colaboración, y la inversión, para terminar con la sobrepesca y al mismo tiempo, mejorar las oportunidades económicas y la…


Future of Fish 2021 Impact Report

2021 was a milestone year for Future of Fish, finalizing the legal operations and leadership of our two non-profit affiliate organizations, Future of Fish Chile and Future of Fish Peru. Read our latest Impact Report containing case studies that showcase the vital on-the-ground work of these two organizations, as well as our reflections on the recently released Covid-19 and D2C reports produced by Future of Fish USA’s Global Innovations Team.


Future of Fish Chile 2020 Impact Report

FUNDACIÓN FUTURE OF FISH Fundación Future of Fish es una organización sin fines de lucro comprometido con la transformación de los sistemas, dedicada a prestar servicios de investigación, diseño y desarrollo de estrategias a ONG, fundaciones, inversionistas, empresas, y gobiernos que trabajan para construir un mundo en el que las pesquerías y las personas puedan prosperar en conjunto. Nuestra misión es catalizar la innovación, la colaboración, y la inversión, para terminar con la sobrepesca y al mismo tiempo, mejorar las oportunidades económicas y la…


Future of Fish Impact Report 2020

Future of Fish is an international non-profit working at the intersection of social equity, economic resiliency and environmental sustainability. Established in 2009 to bring innovative solutions to complex systemic problems in seafood, Future of Fish leads with a human-centered approach to help communities build sustainable livelihoods while also protecting fish, a critical source of protein for billions of people worldwide. We currently operate in Chile, Peru, Belize, and the Caribbean, with developed partnerships serving South East Asia and Africa.  This Impact Report provides an introduction…


Covid-19 Effects on Artisanal Fisheries and Seafood Vendors at Local Fish Markets in Chile

In March 2020 Chile entered phase 4 of COVID-19, which refers to the existence of viral circulation and community spread of the disease. Since then, a series of measures have been implemented such as physical distancing, border closures, school or university closures, curfews, quarantines, and others. As of September 17, 2020, according to the Chilean government, the number of people infected reached 441,150, with a total of 12,142 deaths. This ranks Chile in sixth position in South America after Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and…
