Viewing: coastal communities

Peru Artisanal Fisher Development Fund — Unlocking benefits for fishers and cooperatives

Updated July 11, 2024 Future of Fish and partners are excited to announce the Artisanal Fisher Development Fund (the Fund), a pilot loan guarantee fund to facilitate access to credit to support formalization, sustainable practices and financial inclusion amongst Peru´s artisanal fishing sector .  The Fund aims to facilitate access to credit for working capital loans through aggregated purchase programs of Coops for inputs such as gas, ice, oil, and other fishing essentials the savings of which will be passed on to fisher members…


Insights into seaweed: The next big blue economy innovation?

Image Credit: Canva Chances are that if you work in the ocean space, then you know that seaweed is having a moment. From exciting possibilities for nourishing plant-based food products, promising research into its carbon capture capabilities, and a wealth of innovative applications, such as alternatives to plastic packaging, there is no doubt that seaweed’s trendiness is well-earned.  Future of Fish has been eagerly delving into the emerging body of research around seaweed. Our team is particularly motivated by seaweed’s potential to unlock new…


El compromiso de la profesora Elizabeth Valverde por fortalecer las competencias lectoras de los niños y niñas de La Islilla

Elizabeth Valverde Sullón viene desempeñándose como docente de nivel primario en el centro poblado La Islilla – Paita hace 3 años, le tocó iniciar su trabajo en esta localidad en medio de la pandemia, y contra viento y marea logró diseñar un proyecto innovador de lectura que viene traspasado fronteras. La profesora Elizabeth Valverde, paiteña de corazón, es la primera mujer profesional dentro de su familia, que decidió dedicarse a la docencia con el objetivo de promover las competencias lectoras en los niños y…


Covid-19 + Fisheries: Six essential readings

After a year (or more, depending on where you’re located) of Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns almost nothing about our work in fisheries looks the same as it did before. At the beginning of 2020, we were deeply embedded in on-the-ground projects with small scale fisheries in Peru and Chile, and developing projects in Vietnam and the Caribbean. As the virus first spread, it became too risky for many of our staff and fisher colleagues to continue to work or fish in the field, especially as…


The Power of Partnership: Future of Fish, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako

Photo: lobster fishing in Bander Bayla. When it comes to tackling the social and environmental issues of our time, no one organization has all the expertise and capacity needed to solve these complex challenges alone. But together, we can move mountains—or, in the case of fisheries, turn the tide. A recent Partnership Agreement between Future of Fish and One Earth Future Foundation’s two programs, Secure Fisheries and Shuraako, builds on this ethos, and seeks to collectively develop the mechanisms needed for scalable projects that benefit coastal communities and ocean…


Fish is Food: feeding people, nourishing communities

“Fish is the perfect protein” says Oceana Chief Policy Officer, Jacqueline Savitz. We couldn’t agree more. And nothing makes us happier than seeing this, and the rationale for why, shared in a recent article in Forbes — a publication primarily focused on business, finance, and investment. It’s not your typical environmental magazine. And that’s because empowering sustainable fisheries is as much an effort to address food security and livelihoods as it is about environmental protection. Globally, over 3 billion people rely on fish as their primary source of…


Connecting the Dots: the need for Fishery System Intermediaries

This is the first in a series of blog posts about fisheries system intermediaries. The world’s oceans are in crisis at a time when forty percent of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of the coast, and billions of people derive their nutrition and livelihoods from coastal fisheries. Communities, nonprofits, governments, and philanthropists have been working hard for decades to improve fisheries and seafood systems, but sustained systemic change has proven elusive. Why is this? And what can be done about it? THE…


5 Things to Watch in 2019: from transparency to blue carbon

Halfway through February, and 2019 is already full of oceans and fisheries developments. Whether its legislation in Chile to help combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fisheries; damage to the Great Ocean Cleanup’s plastic-catching system; or strong words and promised action from world leaders, oceans and fisheries are making headlines. Here at Future of Fish, we’ve been thinking about the “big things” to watch in 2019—those initiatives and topics that may be critical drivers of more sustainable fisheries and healthy ocean ecosystems. Given that no one intervention or action alone is…


Moving forward: ideas co-designed

Versión en Español a abajo by Iván Greco, Research Associate at FOF The last time we reported from our on the ground process, we told you about the characteristics of each Caleta with whom we embarked with on this adventure (blog: On the ground in Chile: Caleta Profile). During the months of October and November, we helped to create the space for co-design to occur, and with our partners we conducted 7 workshops across 4 caletas. These were spaces where we rolled out the red…


Fishing for Opportunity in Peru

At Future of Fish, we’re proud of the work we do to help transition fisheries towards positive social, environmental and economic outcomes for coastal communities and their oceans. Whether we’re working in Chile, Belize, or in the US, our Fisheries Development Model helps us take a structured, design-focused approach to making long-term systemic change. In 2018, we dove head first into a new set of fisheries challenges, this time in Peru. Our focus there is on artisanal fisheries - an important traditional—and actively growing—sector of the…
